Is this houseplant the cure for snoring?

We have long known that the benefits plants bring aren’t restricted to the garden.


We have long known that the benefits plants bring aren’t restricted to the garden.  Considered to be ‘Clean Air Machines’, houseplants can also have a huge impact on our health, mood and concentration and now, new research from NASA suggests that one particular plant could even provide a cure for snoring.


Improving the quality of air we breathe


The ornamental Pineapple Plant could be the holy grail of snoring solutions!  No more tennis balls sewn into pyjamas or gargling with garlic.  Research from NASA suggests the Pineapple Plant, which is available from Bents at £16.99, produces particularly large amounts of oxygen, thereby significantly improving the quality of air we breathe.


Indoor air pollution is a growing concern with damage being done to our internal environment by toxins released from every day products such as paint, cleaning chemicals, fly spray, deodorant and air fresheners; all of which affect our indoor air quality.


People are spending more time indoors due to work commitments and city centre living, and are surrounded by stagnant, polluted air, responsible for triggering a wide range of conditions including headaches, fatigue, ear, nose and throat irritations…and snoring!


This is where the Pineapple Plant and houseplants in general can help.  Continuously working, they help filter out pollutants and release oxygen and moisture into the atmosphere, adding to the overall health benefits offered by mother-nature, helping to reduce stress and improve mental and physical health.


A plant for every room


Whilst the Pineapple Plant might be the perfect choice for the bedroom, houseplants should be considered for all indoor environments from offices and waiting rooms to bathrooms and kitchens so why not consider one of the following options to add a touch of greenery to your new space and help improve the quality of air in your indoor environment.


Snake Plant is an attractive, trendy and modern houseplant which is very easy to grow.  It can survive in any levels of light and only requires watering about once every week; perfect for those with a busy lifestyle.



ZZ Plant is an ideal choice for the complete plant novice.  Tough and tolerant, this attractive plant can hold water in its stems for weeks so requires very little watering.



Anthurium is pretty and easy to care for.  It is a plant that will brighten up any room with its colourful blooms which can last all year round if given enough light.



Peace Lily is another pretty addition to any room.  Keep in medium to bright light and make sure the soil is evenly moist to enjoy beautiful blooms which work hard to purify the air.


Cacti & Succulents are amongst the easiest of plants to care for; a perfect choice for those with a busy work and social life.  Give them lots of light and a little water and they will work away to keep the air clean & fresh.

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