How to Stay Organised as you Take Down the Christmas Decorations

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How to Stay Organised as you Take Down the Christmas Decorations

Once the last of the turkey’s been eaten and the last presents are unwrapped, it’s only a matter of time until the Xmas decorations need to come down.

While this is a chore few of us look forwards to, it’s a chance to get things back to normality after the busy holiday season and is the time when many households really start to move ahead into the New Year.

It’s also a time to think ahead to next Christmas because, with a little careful planning, you can keep your Xmas decorations organised as you take them down, making it easier to unpack them next November.

Here are just a few things to keep in mind when taking down Christmas decorations, so that you can avoid chaotic clutter now and disorganised decorations next time around.


Plan Ahead

A good amount of organisation is about planning ahead, and this is true whether you just have the Christmas tree to take down, or Christmas garlands, wall hangings and other Xmas decorations in every room of the house.

Give Yourself Time

Make sure you have plenty of time to take everything down and pack it away in an organised fashion. If you can’t do it all in a single session, try to decide which rooms you’ll do first, and which you’ll leave till last.

Boxes and Bubble Wrap

Be ready with some big storage boxes, especially if you’re putting your Christmas decorations in the attic or somewhere similar for the next 9-10 months. Bubble wrap or old newspapers can be useful to protect delicate items like glass baubles.

Remove the Batteries

One top tip is to take out the batteries from any LED battery lights and other Xmas decorations that light up or make a noise. You can store the batteries in a small container alongside your decorations, where they can’t cause any harm if they corrode or leak.

On The Day

When the day comes to de-decorate, put your plan into action and keep calm. If anything proves more difficult than expected, just take your time and try not to stress about it.

Remember rules like FILO (First In, Last Out). The first Xmas decorations you pack away in a box will be the last to come out next year, so make sure they’re the finishing touches.

Label your boxes clearly, either with a list of the most important contents, or according to which room the decorations are for – and make sure you know where the Christmas tree decorations are.

Rubber bands, cable ties and Velcro straps are all handy to have nearby, so you can keep power cables tidy and bundle tinsel together.


Bag a Bargain

If you’ve suffered any breakages, outdoor LED lights that succumbed to the winter weather, or you’d just like to fill a few gaps in your Xmas decorations collection, head down to your local garden centre in the New Year.

The Bents ‘One and Only Sale’ starts after Boxing Day and runs through to late January, giving you an opportunity to bag a bargain from our remaining stock of discount Christmas decorations, ready for next year’s festivities.
